Bulk Waste Haulage
We have a number of clients that require RAW Skips to supply bins to their customers.​
How It Works
RAW Skips supplies bins to your customers as instructed by you and we service the bins either on demand or on a schedule
Equipment Options
Skip Bins (from 3m3 to 8m3 skip bins)
Hook Bins (from 15m3 to 40m3 hook bins)
Truck and Dog hook bin trailers (up to 40m3 per bin)
Semi-tipper trailers for medium density materials
Semi-tipper trailers in hard body suitable for rock
Walking Floor Trailer suitable for lightweight materials
Suitable Wastes
Production Destruction
By-products produced as a result of a primary production or manufacturing process
Residual wastes produced from recycling and resource recovery operations
Please contact our sales team for a solution which fits your needs